Sarah Ciuk
Visual Art
Hi, my name is Sarah Ciuk and I moved to the Goldfields in 2003. This is my second year of teaching at Hannans Primary School.
I have previously taught in South Hedland, Coolgardie and at Kalgoorlie Primary School. I have taught across the year levels and have also taken on the roles of Science Specialist and supervised the MEG Languages program at Kalgoorlie Primary School.
This is my first year as the Visual Arts Specialist and I strongly believe that everyone has the ability to create. This year we will be exploring and experimenting with a variety of arts media to create a range of artworks.
My favourite things to do are reading and quilting and I’m sure some of these will find a way into this year’s Visual Arts program.
I am a mum to Ashlee, who attended Hannans and is now at high school. I share my house with my husband, a cat, a dog, some chooks and a lot of fabric.